Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss

Monday, 4 April 2011

Some things I've been making

Peggy wearing her Flossie's pinafore - I hope Jeanette doesn't mind, I made it slightly longer to fit a 2yr old. Sadie's is cut out ready along with matching culottes Sweet!
I made these 'tattoo'ed' twins for our anniversary - I embroidered the tats and them sewed them up, took ages but they are so random it was so worth it to see Pug's face when I gave him them in the morning, bit old t start getting into dolls, but the kids love them.
Archie's Pickles vest - it has come in so handy while he's poorly and having jammy days, wouldn't mind one myself.


  1. Why would I mind? I don't. :0)

  2. Cheers Jeanette - it is so adorable on her - I used a lovely Michael Miller 'retro mushrooms' fabric. Already eyeing up his love birds on gold.....too many ideas and never enough time x
