Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss

Sunday, 13 March 2011

day 13 archie's antics

I turned round in the kitchen the other night and something felt odd, ignoring this feeling (its a common occurrence in my brain) I went into the living room to see Archie - only to find he's dragged the big pants into the room to watch tv - that's what was oddly missing from the kitchen......hmmm how could I not miss it! As you can see he also is back into his demolition phase, lets face it he never really left it yet - will he ever!!!!!
Archie has been talking much more this week and has begun to repeat things with out any prompting - we better watch our rather flowery language from now on! We have had, 'me too', 'cocynut', 'oh dear', 'no way', 'purple poo'. Not sure where purple poo came from, I made some cupcakes this weekend with violet food colouring and seriously thought Archie had eaten so much icing he had had a purple poo - I even phoned my mum to see if he'd done a purple poo with her, but no! so I can only assume - purple poo means something else in Archie speak LOL.
Look at that adorable wee face, who would think he chucks crisps all over the kitchen floor, steals ta tas from babies at toddlers, pushes his wee sister over countless times daily, breaks fridge magnets, throws ALL of the books form the shelf onto the floor countless times daily! LOL My awesome Archie - all of it pales into insignificance when he climbs into bed in the morning looks at the wee burn on my hand say 'ouwy' and goes and gets some cream to put on it ( insert mummies heart melting noises). BIG NEWS - Sadie stood for the 1st time today.....looks odd such a wee tot standing, of course I cried...... A week of tears, tantrums, tummy laughs and togetherness with my darlings xxx

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