Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Been a while......

I've really missed writing our wee blog, but life has been hectic. Last weekend I went to Aberdeen to the SANDS Scottish network day, it was really interesting, The Child Bereavement charity did a presentation, it was fantastic.We met some great people and found some useful resources. The most exciting thing for me, is that I'm to be a media representative for sands in Scotland, I'll get some training - thank goodness. Finally I get to use my big gob and love of my own voice for something so worthwhile! On monday I did my parents story at the hospitals training that I had fought hard to be put in place - I stayed for the training and also found it interesting, I still think we can do a better job, more interactive and more use of bereaved parents, it was suggested we have a fathers story in the future. I asked Pug and to my surprise, he said he would do it.
My wee mini Haha is coming on as you can see she spends her time pulling herself up in furniture and then getting stuck and frustrated.....so I spend my days moving her around from chair to table to highchair etc. She does fit the wee converse....she did have 2 on today, she just managed to pull one off. She is so dinky - her lovely bows and anchors top is a 3-6 months and still long in the arms. Archie doodle is talking non-stop now, although I am still his main interpreter, he did spontaneously say 'i love you' last week - I had a tear, my beautiful babies. All this sands activity only makes me realise more just how blessed I am to have 2 adorable babies to care for, watch grow and love. My darling Alfie - missed and thought of daily, without him - we wouldn't be the family we are. Thank you my wee star xxx

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

day 11, 'the grandmas on the bus go knitting knitting knitting......

Tonight Grandma and I went to our knitting group when I came home Sadie P was still awake - she had to get in on the wool action too.
Archie Peggy and wee Mini Haha in the sandpit.....Haha had a great outfit on, but alas it can't be seen....

9/10th the big move....

Miss P is wearing her amazing springtime Molo onsie, I bought this for Archie and loved it so much had to hang on to it.
We are living with grandma and grandad for a week or so while our housing is being done - we had a leak in the roof and our bedrooms were water damaged - so thank you insurance co, total redecoration gratis (o yeah, I pay premiums every month, so technically not free).
This is the wallpaper for our bedroom, V excited about it.
Madam is wearing a v cute wee frock by Me Too that grandma bought her, with the perfect matching leggings from boots. Finding it hard to take decent photos now that she is on the move. Yesterday she climbed the stairs at grandmas.......yikes, I think she's gonna be like her brother. Oh yeah and she's minging all the time. On the subject of brother, he is having loads of fun at grandma and grandads, however he 'no likey this bed' and 'wants sleep grandas bed'.

at times like these

"It's a happy life, but someone is missing. It's a happy life, and someone is missing." ....Elizabeth McCracken, An Exact Replica Of a Figment Of My Imagination

Sunday, 8 May 2011

thoughts of Alfie

This weekend has been so lovely, however as usual on special days I am ever aware of my darling's absence. I think back to the 1st bday without him - how hideous it was. I got ready for work, got into the car with Anne said 'it's my bday.....blub blub blub', that bday was supposed to be my 1st as a mum, my 1st time getting a card signed by my son, I was never to have a card from Alfie - of course I have my 2 beautiful ones, but always at the cost of losing my 1st wee man. I looked over at all my lovely sands mums and their babies at my party and thought....I love those women, life would be hell without them. I also thought had I not lost Alfie what a very different party this would be - what a very different life this would be......think of you everyday my wee man - life without you is a strange journey, love and mummy kisses to my 1st baby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

7/8th 40 fabulous, big love

When I came down stairs in the mnorning - Pug had decorated the kitchen for me.
My yummy bday cake, brownie meringue rasperry cream yumminess.....not the most flattering fotie of me, but look at Archie's beautiful smile - he'd been asking for b-day cake all day!
My gorgeous flowers from Chris and Hilary, LOVE them. x Today we had a lovely morning with Antony, Kirsty and wee Peggy at 'Potter about', ate great brunch and kids played happily (thank goodness). Sadie is sitting on her grandma and grandad's mantlepiece in a beautiful wee blouse I bought months ago and have been waiting for her to grow into. She is v excited about it as you can see.....hmmm think sitting up high is more exciting than what she is wearing. I had a lovely meal tonight with my lovely man, and watched movie - great finish to a great weekend.

Friday, 6 May 2011

6th may, busy busy busy

Archie and I started the day by making cakes - he licked the bowl/spoon......I ate the cake.
Miss P had on a beautiful dress she was given by her Auntie Geraldine, its the 1st time shes worn it - I think it goes really well with the wee green cardi Grandma knitted.
Look at those eyelashes!
My wee love having a bath in the sink, she loves it and it means I'm forced into cleaning up the floor!!!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

day 5 - mummy at work, yuck.

I had to go into work today.....mornings are hectic trying to get out the house. I miss the kids during the day, but it passes so quickly. Last week I did 3 days and felt quite sad that by the 3rd morning Archie was shouting for Daddy when he woke. So I thought It'd be nice to have a picture of mummy and Sadie, however daddy took the photos and they are no that braw.
Miss P is wearing a cute little green gingham dress, what you can't see is the adorable denim shorts underneath. She also had on her brothers converse with flames up the side! Daddy insists they fit, mmmmm I think she'll look like a clown, I'll reserve judgment till I see them. 40th bday celebrations started early with a half tub of our old pals Ben and Jerry xxxx

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

day 4 - mummy needs to make some braw bibs!

My wee darling is wearing a braw dress I made for her, in fact - the hardest things i've made, not saying much as I aint the best sewer. However, it can't be seen due to manky bib.....hanging off her and her sun hat that she kept on for all of 2 mins. I must make her some bibs - BLW means they need to be sleeved, long and basically a hazmat suit. I will post pictures of her in the frock minus the bib at a later date button holes ( my new talent mmmmm) bit of dugs dinner, but buttons are courtesy of Auntie Anna from knitting groups Old Auntie's stash - Thanks Anna's Auntie.

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Retro day 3

As i put Miss Sadie's shoes away last night I asked myself......Can a girl ever have too many shoes?
This gorgeous wee dress was a pressie from GG, she got it from our local (charity) shop.
It is so adorable, I love the print and the retro vibe - I'm sure it is similar to ones I had as a wee one.
If you look closely you might see the filth she got all over the front of it when she did her commando crawl across the floor at tuesday club. We had a lovely time, quiet this week, but great to welcome a new mummy and Baby Macy. X

Monday, 2 May 2011

2nd may another sunny one

We had a lovely day in the sun again today, the morning was spent at the park with Kirsty and a few of her brood and then aft at Uncle Paul's house.
Today's photos aint great, I took them in the garden and the sun was in madams eye's - I was also trying to stop brother from pushing her over. She is wearing her new Pinny - which matches her cousins, our fave wee jeans and cool boots from Auntie Mo mo.
Auntie Mo mo arrived at teatime to bring us these amazing new shoes for Miss P - they are now the new fave, Thanks Auntie Mo mo for keeping up the best shoe tradition - LOVE them.

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Miss Sadie P's fashion month of may......

back due to popular demand, Miss P. I struggled to find an outfit to start of the fashion month of may due to weather. It was our 1st day in the garden of the year, so nice. I tidied up and planted out all the seedlings, fingers crossed we get a bumper crop. The kids loved the sun and both were nakey most of the day - Archie all day. I did dress Sadie for a wee while though. She is wearing a 0-3 outfit bought for her last summer! So a big thanks to Cousin Sammy, 10 months on and it fits.
I've been making a few wee things, as has grandmum - so keep checking in. x