I've so missed blogging, at nights as I lay beside the weeones as the drift of into sleep next to me I write posts in my head - it helps me formulate my emotions and daily reflections.
So, for my own benefit I'm gonna try again to make a commitment to write weekly over the next year. Not sure what I want to focus on yet, probably my usual mish mash of nonsense.
As I sit alone, a new year approaching I am trying not to invest too much emotion in the time nor date. I've turned the tv off to avoid festivities. Pugs has been ill since he finished uni (Finished uni, yai one of the awesome events of the year, and one I am so proud of - he worked his ass off this last year, I spent many a family events minus my husband and way too many sat nights alone, while he worked away) - Momo has broken her Achilles, and mum and dad are out of action now.....so my usual hogmany companions are otherwise engaged this year.
As I consider myself an optimistic person, I find this current extreme blue phase out of character and tedious. To paraphrase Miss Golightly the blues are bad, but we know why we are down - the mean reds are much worse, they suck....one feels down with no obvious explanation.
I have been swinging between the two for too long.
The struggle between, working fulltime, being a present, balanced and caring parent, wife, friend, daughter is not an easy one for me. My Dad's progress is very limited to say the least and is my prime concern and contribution to my blues.....gosh it is so difficult. I miss my dad, I miss my mum and watching their daily struggle is too painful. My tears so very close to the surface and I find them slipping out more often than I feel comfortable with.
My darling wee ones are the salvation - every day they fill me with joy and laughter, their banter is hysterical right now - I love their company and feel overwhelmed with love every morning when they snuggle into bed next to us.
And so to conclude - this year has been shit - no point pretending. That is not to say some lovely things have happened - but sadly my Dad's stroke and the repercussions of it have overshadowed everything. As I attempt to maintain my optimistic nature I hope for a brighter future, however, even I can't seem to see a way through it..........other than to get used to our new way of life.
Struggle seems to have been my catchphrase of 2012 - I hope 2013 brings the opposite and our lives are filled with ease instead. So a weekly post celebrating the things I am grateful for might help bring some comfort........wish us luck xxx
coping with stillbirth, subsequent pregnancies and parenting after a loss.......my means of survival, my ode to Alfie, my wee man.
Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.
Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss
Monday, 31 December 2012
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Another year further on.....x
Strange to think that the last 5 years have been the hardest and yet the sweetest. We have come along way, and yet the further we have come the further I am from Alfie. That pretty much sums up our bittersweet situation.
We did however, have a lovely day - took beautiful flowers to Alfie's grave, the kids took balloons - gorgeous red and purple with wee heart balloons attached. I shed a tear or few when I saw the kids, especially wee Pegster.....the innocence, is heartbreaking - my 2 are way too informed and au fait with death and the grave yard is pedestrian to them. The cakes at Loch Levens Larder were as lush as usual, as was the company. The kids were great, shame it was awful weather, the day Alfie died it was a gorgeous sunny autumnal day. Monday was grim and grizzly, didn't stop our lot - out playing in the rain.
My mum always has a mass said for Alfie, as I never go to mass nor believe in any form of afterlife I go for my mums sake......This year I was way more emotional, I think because for the 1st time I had to spend the day hiding my tears from the kids, previously they have been unaware of my emotional state. It was so healthy to let go, and allow the tears to fall, I had a small pool sitting in the valley of my neck.
Pug and I watched a movie and had some quiet time in the eve, it felt good to just be together.
I spent tue in an exhausted fog, I always find the aftermath way harder - tears so close to the surface. Luckily the kids were in nursery so I slept loads, and hung out in the house avoiding anyone other than Pugs....licking my wounds and navel gazing. I went for run at the time Alfie was born, it was pissing down I was soaking and it was dark - I spent the whole run remembering him in my arms. So glad I ran, more time for 'us'.
One of the lovely things about the day was my dad's awareness I was dreading him having no idea what was going on, he was however on the ball. He even managed to write our card with his left hand.......different tears.
My beautiful wee man, another year over - yet your presence is still felt and far reaching. Archie talks of you often and both him and Sadie look in your box regularly. Never forgotten my 1st boy, my forever baby xxxx
We did however, have a lovely day - took beautiful flowers to Alfie's grave, the kids took balloons - gorgeous red and purple with wee heart balloons attached. I shed a tear or few when I saw the kids, especially wee Pegster.....the innocence, is heartbreaking - my 2 are way too informed and au fait with death and the grave yard is pedestrian to them. The cakes at Loch Levens Larder were as lush as usual, as was the company. The kids were great, shame it was awful weather, the day Alfie died it was a gorgeous sunny autumnal day. Monday was grim and grizzly, didn't stop our lot - out playing in the rain.
My mum always has a mass said for Alfie, as I never go to mass nor believe in any form of afterlife I go for my mums sake......This year I was way more emotional, I think because for the 1st time I had to spend the day hiding my tears from the kids, previously they have been unaware of my emotional state. It was so healthy to let go, and allow the tears to fall, I had a small pool sitting in the valley of my neck.
Pug and I watched a movie and had some quiet time in the eve, it felt good to just be together.
I spent tue in an exhausted fog, I always find the aftermath way harder - tears so close to the surface. Luckily the kids were in nursery so I slept loads, and hung out in the house avoiding anyone other than Pugs....licking my wounds and navel gazing. I went for run at the time Alfie was born, it was pissing down I was soaking and it was dark - I spent the whole run remembering him in my arms. So glad I ran, more time for 'us'.
One of the lovely things about the day was my dad's awareness I was dreading him having no idea what was going on, he was however on the ball. He even managed to write our card with his left hand.......different tears.
My beautiful wee man, another year over - yet your presence is still felt and far reaching. Archie talks of you often and both him and Sadie look in your box regularly. Never forgotten my 1st boy, my forever baby xxxx
Sunday, 11 November 2012
lost count....
Don't even know how many days it has been since I posted.
I've missed writing, posting photos and keeping track of our lives, however in the main life has been pretty tough, truth be told.
I really didn't want to document for our future a crappy phase, that said I can't let my wee mans anniversary pass without writing.
Not sure why 5 years seems so significant, why it should be any harder than any other. I have felt pretty fragile for a a few weeks, however tonight I feel numb. I'm exhausted and in many ways I am relishing the prospect of having a day to feel down legitimately, how hellishly self indulgent.
In some ways I miss Alfie more as time moves on, the harsh pain of loss has gone, now the constant shadow of how my life would have been is what I live with.
I also query now whether, I should be feeling so emotional at this stage? I'm sure a number of people will judge me over the next few days - I'm calling in to work tomorrow. The prospect of teaching kids and being under that level of stress is too much. I want to spend a day in peace with our living kids, holding them close and thinking of their big brother. We are going to take flowers to the cemetery, the kids are taking balloons and then we are going for cake and a walk as a family.
This time 5 years ago Pug and I were having dinner with my Antony and Kirsty, I was massive and so uncomfortable. 37+4 weeks pregnant and just 'waiting'. I had a few tightenings over the eve and was quietly becoming excited - little did I know it would be the last night of my life as I was to know it. Life has now become pre and post Alfie.....sigh xxx
Not a day goes by without thinking of you sweetheart, my heart is bigger and stronger than I ever imagined possible, thanks for that wee man xxx
I've missed writing, posting photos and keeping track of our lives, however in the main life has been pretty tough, truth be told.
I really didn't want to document for our future a crappy phase, that said I can't let my wee mans anniversary pass without writing.
Not sure why 5 years seems so significant, why it should be any harder than any other. I have felt pretty fragile for a a few weeks, however tonight I feel numb. I'm exhausted and in many ways I am relishing the prospect of having a day to feel down legitimately, how hellishly self indulgent.
In some ways I miss Alfie more as time moves on, the harsh pain of loss has gone, now the constant shadow of how my life would have been is what I live with.
I also query now whether, I should be feeling so emotional at this stage? I'm sure a number of people will judge me over the next few days - I'm calling in to work tomorrow. The prospect of teaching kids and being under that level of stress is too much. I want to spend a day in peace with our living kids, holding them close and thinking of their big brother. We are going to take flowers to the cemetery, the kids are taking balloons and then we are going for cake and a walk as a family.
This time 5 years ago Pug and I were having dinner with my Antony and Kirsty, I was massive and so uncomfortable. 37+4 weeks pregnant and just 'waiting'. I had a few tightenings over the eve and was quietly becoming excited - little did I know it would be the last night of my life as I was to know it. Life has now become pre and post Alfie.....sigh xxx
Not a day goes by without thinking of you sweetheart, my heart is bigger and stronger than I ever imagined possible, thanks for that wee man xxx
Sunday, 9 September 2012
257-263 quiet week, friends and family time, lovely.
Yesterday I spent the day with the kids visiting Grandma Granda for lunch. We had a great time, for the 1st time I left the kids with them and popped down the town for 20mins and it was a success.Dad is steadily improving, he does seem to understand more of what we are saying, although more asking him to do something rather than chat. I still catch myself sometimes forgetting he isn't who he was and become overwhelmed with sadness. My lovely dad, I miss him.
My mum is coping, I must say again for the record how amazing she is, not only is she taking amazing care of my dad she is also totally supporting his rehab......her teacher instinct i think. On top of all of that, she is also picking me up from work, picking up the kids from nursery, picking up shopping for us during the week - what a legend.
Talking of legends (must be genetic) we also visited with GG who we haven't had a chance to see for weeks, another lovely blether, sweeties for the bairns and more cuddles. She was full of her usual chat and chuffed to see the wee ones.
We also had the pleasure of Andrew this week doing a wee stint at wrap around care - what a pleasure, he occupied the kids so well I actually got the dinner made without either of them screaming, pulling at my skirt, battering each other or any other major meltdowns, he is welcome anytime. He is the master Thomas track engineer and a hero in Archie's eyes
sheer joy to a wee man |
Friday night the kids a lovely new treat from a friend from work, Archie loved the map of Australia in the back of Possum Magic and Mini loved the food in both of them. Adorable books and such kindness form a great woman.
Sunday, 2 September 2012
243-256 phew we made it - so far
Well somethings got to give - here's the list
starting with - My sanity! closely followed by sleep, kid time, time alone, sewing (whats that) knitting and running. Gutted gutted I never did the 10K, I've been harping on about it for months - 8 to be precise, it was my goal for the year. Never mind, en route I have managed to run regularly enough that I miss it if I can't fit a run in, hence daily lunchtime visits to the school gym treadmill.
I have had little to post about other than the daily grind. Yesterday Momo and I took the kids to fife animal park, they loved it. Baby meerkats feeding from mama was a big hit with Sadie and Archie loved a wee deer that he wanted to take home for a pet.
Afterwards we went to pillars of Hercules, love it there, always feel relaxed and happy whilst visiting. Even more excited to see they are offering semi wild camping now, bonus. Sadie 'luffs' doggies, Pillars is always a good spot to meet new doggie pals.
I'm doing skirtember again this year. I figure it will be nice to have a month of frivolous posting......I wonder if I look much different from last year, I bloody hope so after all the running.
starting with - My sanity! closely followed by sleep, kid time, time alone, sewing (whats that) knitting and running. Gutted gutted I never did the 10K, I've been harping on about it for months - 8 to be precise, it was my goal for the year. Never mind, en route I have managed to run regularly enough that I miss it if I can't fit a run in, hence daily lunchtime visits to the school gym treadmill.
I have had little to post about other than the daily grind. Yesterday Momo and I took the kids to fife animal park, they loved it. Baby meerkats feeding from mama was a big hit with Sadie and Archie loved a wee deer that he wanted to take home for a pet.
Afterwards we went to pillars of Hercules, love it there, always feel relaxed and happy whilst visiting. Even more excited to see they are offering semi wild camping now, bonus. Sadie 'luffs' doggies, Pillars is always a good spot to meet new doggie pals.
I'm doing skirtember again this year. I figure it will be nice to have a month of frivolous posting......I wonder if I look much different from last year, I bloody hope so after all the running.
Monday, 20 August 2012
236-242 Yikes, Baptism of fire
what a hellish week, I returned to work on monday pretty keyed, was mucked around all day and finally at 3.30pm was told that my request to go pt was rejected - for now! what, we had no childcare in place for the end of the week, I was so upset - tears, rage, cuddles - sigh, rains but pours comes to mind.
I did manage however by wed to have settled down, dusted myself down and accepted that I may have to be a full time working mum.
All this has only been possible (in the manner of Oscar acceptance speech!) because once again our amazing family friends have stepped up.
The kids are really struggling wee lambs, Sadie follows me around constantly needing held, Archie is just exhausted and by Thursday was asking for a lazy day - Hmmm I wish son. I was on my knees by friday aft - no weekend rock n roll for us.
An awesome day was had by all, we spent the am doing housework stuff, such pleasure in making a pot of coffee and relaxing whilst pottering around the house and garden. The kids were so happy playing and relaxing. We spent the aft in the park, Momo took us. So peaceful, we walked and Archie rode his bike, we stopped at a bench and had a wee snack whilst looking out over the water, no rushing to be anywhere, the perfect antidote to a week of rushing every waking minute.
Sunday at the beach, just lovely. Costa coffee, digging, almond croissant, crabs, sea stars, worms, rock pools, new friends, sunshine, paddling - we all felt like we were back on holiday.
I have no idea how long I will have to be full time at work, I am trying to remain positive about the situation. Everyone keeps telling me that the kids will get used to it. I am aware they will, however I am also aware their getting used to 'it' is essentially them getting used to being without me. I want them to be independent but maybe no quite yet, sniff sniff.
I did manage however by wed to have settled down, dusted myself down and accepted that I may have to be a full time working mum.
All this has only been possible (in the manner of Oscar acceptance speech!) because once again our amazing family friends have stepped up.
The kids are really struggling wee lambs, Sadie follows me around constantly needing held, Archie is just exhausted and by Thursday was asking for a lazy day - Hmmm I wish son. I was on my knees by friday aft - no weekend rock n roll for us.
![]() |
Sat we went to the park. |
Sunday at the beach, just lovely. Costa coffee, digging, almond croissant, crabs, sea stars, worms, rock pools, new friends, sunshine, paddling - we all felt like we were back on holiday.
I have no idea how long I will have to be full time at work, I am trying to remain positive about the situation. Everyone keeps telling me that the kids will get used to it. I am aware they will, however I am also aware their getting used to 'it' is essentially them getting used to being without me. I want them to be independent but maybe no quite yet, sniff sniff.
Sunday, 12 August 2012
232-35 last precious days of summer
This last few days have been lovely, albeit filled with concern over my return to work. I have tried to push it to the back of my mind and until today have done pretty well......
Thursday we went to Edinburgh to let the kids see the madness of the festival, and mad it was! Try getting down the high st with 2 exhausted children a pram and not get annoyed with the enthusiasm of the performers thrusting flyers into my face, deep breathe and relax!!! Actually considering the hectiness of it, we had a really lovely day. St Andrews sq was a big hit, sandpit and east links farm, so both Sadie and Archie were happy, sand and tractors what a combo.
We met Auntie Iny in the gardens, then walked round castle terrace to the high st - Archie fascinated by the castle, Sadie a little overwhelmed.
Then a stop for a cuppa at Saint Arbucks...mmmm I know on some levels I shouldn't love it but I do, my total guilty pleasure, blended decaf carmel mm mmm so glad we don't have one in kdy.
We had our last visit on Friday to Busy Bee's - tomorrow the kids are totally flying solo - after the visit we went to Momo's - Archie and Momo mowed the lawn, and washed the car - He loves helping, I love that he is kept busy.....
Sadie and I enjoyed hanging out in the sun - Yes she does have her legs inside my top, that girl wants to be a 'wee joey' all the day long.
I am so apprehensive about returning to work the morn, I know in a few weeks we will be rolling with the sitch, but right now it feels exhausting. Shit, I'm no the only working mum and I am only doing 2.5 days, but it seems massive right now. I am reminded of last year at this time when I returned to work.
So this years lists.
My darling girl how you've grown. From a few words to non stop chatter.
1. Mummy 'why did you.....e.g. throw that on the floor'. Sadie 'Cause I am'
2. You still lvoe mummies boobies more than anything in your whole world.
3. You use mummies behaviour tactics with Archie... Sadie 'get up Archie, I count 1, 2, 3,'
4. Your hair looks like Muffin Mclays in the morning and you smell awesome when you wake up.
5. You insist your name is Sadie Moocher.
6. You love all things sparkly
7. Strawberries are you favourite food.
8. You don't have to wear a nappy anymore during the day
9 You call strawberry milk 'charlie milk' and have to help me make it every morning
My beautiful son, your sheer joy from the world brings me daily pleasure.
1. From a boy who said a few words last year at this time, you seriously never stop talking. Last night you asked me to sing you to sleep to stop your brain from asking questions....I hope this means your gonna be a smart cookie.
2. You love all things diggers and trains, so much so I might even go to diggerland Durham for a holiday!
3. You look like Hairy Maclary all day with your mad crazy scruffy hair.
4. You are so kind, I love catching you helping you sister out, even if you want to 'get rid of Sadie, because she doesn't follow the rules' - this from my freewheeling free spirited son Hmmmm
5. You love Pizza, hot dogs and cheese - most of all ice cream and sweeties.
6. Bob the builder and danger diggers at work are your fave TV shows.
7. Mrs Ewan from nursery is your best friend and you want to marry her.
8. You want to see daddy at a gig.
9. you still love to stroke mummy to go to sleep at night.
And finally, my never forgotten wee'st man Alfie. In a few days time you would be starting school, I very rarely go down the route of what you would be doing, school is a biggie not to be missed. As each year passes you are still remembered, most recently your brother is fascinated by your and saddened that he doesn't have a brother to play with....... your always in my thoughts wee man, I will think of you and imagine a wee curly haired boy off to school on Tue morning...kisses from mumma
Thursday we went to Edinburgh to let the kids see the madness of the festival, and mad it was! Try getting down the high st with 2 exhausted children a pram and not get annoyed with the enthusiasm of the performers thrusting flyers into my face, deep breathe and relax!!! Actually considering the hectiness of it, we had a really lovely day. St Andrews sq was a big hit, sandpit and east links farm, so both Sadie and Archie were happy, sand and tractors what a combo.
We met Auntie Iny in the gardens, then walked round castle terrace to the high st - Archie fascinated by the castle, Sadie a little overwhelmed.
Then a stop for a cuppa at Saint Arbucks...mmmm I know on some levels I shouldn't love it but I do, my total guilty pleasure, blended decaf carmel mm mmm so glad we don't have one in kdy.
Archie enjoying his hot choc, the offending article in the foreground and Auntie Iny's cheeky wee Pimms. |
We, planted Kale for winter soup. |
We had our last visit on Friday to Busy Bee's - tomorrow the kids are totally flying solo - after the visit we went to Momo's - Archie and Momo mowed the lawn, and washed the car - He loves helping, I love that he is kept busy.....
Sadie and I enjoyed hanging out in the sun - Yes she does have her legs inside my top, that girl wants to be a 'wee joey' all the day long.
I am so apprehensive about returning to work the morn, I know in a few weeks we will be rolling with the sitch, but right now it feels exhausting. Shit, I'm no the only working mum and I am only doing 2.5 days, but it seems massive right now. I am reminded of last year at this time when I returned to work.
So this years lists.
My darling girl how you've grown. From a few words to non stop chatter.
1. Mummy 'why did you.....e.g. throw that on the floor'. Sadie 'Cause I am'
2. You still lvoe mummies boobies more than anything in your whole world.
3. You use mummies behaviour tactics with Archie... Sadie 'get up Archie, I count 1, 2, 3,'
4. Your hair looks like Muffin Mclays in the morning and you smell awesome when you wake up.
5. You insist your name is Sadie Moocher.
6. You love all things sparkly
7. Strawberries are you favourite food.
8. You don't have to wear a nappy anymore during the day
9 You call strawberry milk 'charlie milk' and have to help me make it every morning
My beautiful son, your sheer joy from the world brings me daily pleasure.
1. From a boy who said a few words last year at this time, you seriously never stop talking. Last night you asked me to sing you to sleep to stop your brain from asking questions....I hope this means your gonna be a smart cookie.
2. You love all things diggers and trains, so much so I might even go to diggerland Durham for a holiday!
3. You look like Hairy Maclary all day with your mad crazy scruffy hair.
4. You are so kind, I love catching you helping you sister out, even if you want to 'get rid of Sadie, because she doesn't follow the rules' - this from my freewheeling free spirited son Hmmmm
5. You love Pizza, hot dogs and cheese - most of all ice cream and sweeties.
6. Bob the builder and danger diggers at work are your fave TV shows.
7. Mrs Ewan from nursery is your best friend and you want to marry her.
8. You want to see daddy at a gig.
9. you still love to stroke mummy to go to sleep at night.
And finally, my never forgotten wee'st man Alfie. In a few days time you would be starting school, I very rarely go down the route of what you would be doing, school is a biggie not to be missed. As each year passes you are still remembered, most recently your brother is fascinated by your and saddened that he doesn't have a brother to play with....... your always in my thoughts wee man, I will think of you and imagine a wee curly haired boy off to school on Tue morning...kisses from mumma
Wednesday, 8 August 2012
231 -glorious sunshine....inside and out
We had a lovely day today.
The amazing sun and the warmth it brings has such a positive affect on us all. The kids were so happy pottering about in the garden, Archie wanted a 'lazy day', I did manage however to persuade him to go to nursery. We had the most lovely walk round, Archie took his tractor and managed to ride it most of the way there and Sadie wanted to walk. I wised I'd taken my camera she looked so adorable trotting along with her backpack on, our neighbour commented that it looked like a parachute it was so big on her. Mini spent the whole journey saying 'my school is busy bees', she is so grown up and independent it frightens me, where has my wee one gone?
Archie asked again this morning about his brother and where we put him, so as it was such a gorgeous day we all went up to the grave. Pugs, myself, the kids and mum and dad all went, we left beautiful sunflowers for Alfie and brought one home for us to remind us of him when we are away from him. I sat on the grass in front of the stone with Archie on my lap and explained that Alfie was below us, but is was only his bones left, Grandma showed him Alfie's name on the stone and pointed out that they have the same second name. He seemed pretty mellow about it, he did ask on the way there if we were digging him up!!! Luckily he forgot all about that request once at the cemetery.
A moment filled with such mixed emotions, I did have a wee tear in my eye as we sat there, so so so grateful, beyond words to be holding my lovely boy, feeling his warmth the smell of his hair and listening to his nonsense chatter and yer overwhelmed with sadness that I never got the chance to know Alfie, that as time goes on I feel sad in a empty feeble way. I know some people will disagree with the way we raise our kids and of course it is all coloured by the loss of our first born, yes I probably do indulge them emotionally more than I should, but can anyone love a child too much! As for our way of including Alfie and making him a part of our family, I feel we have the balance right. I am always firm with Archie that we are not sad anymore, and that we have him and Sadie to love...I don't want the kids to grow up in the shadow of an older dead sibling, however I do feel it is important that they understand the cycle of life. Shit, I always remember thinking that losing a pet was such a great experience for kids, one less thing I have to worry about since our experienced death from the get go - I hope it only increases their emotional abilities and makes them rounder warmer and more compassionate individuals - One can always dream for the best for their children.
The amazing sun and the warmth it brings has such a positive affect on us all. The kids were so happy pottering about in the garden, Archie wanted a 'lazy day', I did manage however to persuade him to go to nursery. We had the most lovely walk round, Archie took his tractor and managed to ride it most of the way there and Sadie wanted to walk. I wised I'd taken my camera she looked so adorable trotting along with her backpack on, our neighbour commented that it looked like a parachute it was so big on her. Mini spent the whole journey saying 'my school is busy bees', she is so grown up and independent it frightens me, where has my wee one gone?
Archie asked again this morning about his brother and where we put him, so as it was such a gorgeous day we all went up to the grave. Pugs, myself, the kids and mum and dad all went, we left beautiful sunflowers for Alfie and brought one home for us to remind us of him when we are away from him. I sat on the grass in front of the stone with Archie on my lap and explained that Alfie was below us, but is was only his bones left, Grandma showed him Alfie's name on the stone and pointed out that they have the same second name. He seemed pretty mellow about it, he did ask on the way there if we were digging him up!!! Luckily he forgot all about that request once at the cemetery.
A moment filled with such mixed emotions, I did have a wee tear in my eye as we sat there, so so so grateful, beyond words to be holding my lovely boy, feeling his warmth the smell of his hair and listening to his nonsense chatter and yer overwhelmed with sadness that I never got the chance to know Alfie, that as time goes on I feel sad in a empty feeble way. I know some people will disagree with the way we raise our kids and of course it is all coloured by the loss of our first born, yes I probably do indulge them emotionally more than I should, but can anyone love a child too much! As for our way of including Alfie and making him a part of our family, I feel we have the balance right. I am always firm with Archie that we are not sad anymore, and that we have him and Sadie to love...I don't want the kids to grow up in the shadow of an older dead sibling, however I do feel it is important that they understand the cycle of life. Shit, I always remember thinking that losing a pet was such a great experience for kids, one less thing I have to worry about since our experienced death from the get go - I hope it only increases their emotional abilities and makes them rounder warmer and more compassionate individuals - One can always dream for the best for their children.
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
229-230 calm after another storm
This is what I needed, actually it is what we both needed. Archie in his 'natural' habitat.
After Sunday's emotional eve and another hellish bedtime drama, both Archie and I were shattered and tense on monday morning - Yikes, not a good combo.
We went as has been our holiday routine to just kiddin - an ideal place for the kids to run around and for me to try and grab a cuppa and a blether with pals. Oh no, not today. Archie was nip nip nippy from getting up and by the time we reached JK he was high hyper hypedog! I caught him pushing a wee girl over on the bouncy castle, he got a row and was told to apologise - at which point some otehr mother said he'd been hitting two other kids. Phew, I should have read the signs and left- but no, overtired and tense I gave him a wee cuddle talked about behaving well and then stupidly encouraged him to go chase Oliver on the play structure, he went belting off and pushed his way past all the other kids, I could see he was grabbing Sadie to get her out the way and was enroute to try and diffuse sitch, when some woman shouted to one of the employees - "sort it out, that he's bullying all the other" bairns! Oh Oh Lady, you picked the wrong mum on the wrong day - It's his sister I'll deal with it......I then took Archie away - well grabbed him by arm and frogmarched him past all other tables of glaring mums (that is the response they wanted isn't it? I really wanted to hug him and say what's up wee man, how come your being so mean - its no like you), I shouted at the woman 'I think bullying is taking it a bit far' so not like me to be confrontational, but hackles up and hating anyone saying that about my boy I couldn't stop myself. I am the first to admit he is a wee nutter, he gets hugely overexcited and when tired can be nothing short of annoying, however Bullying at 3yrs old come one, he was pushing other kids not holding them up in a corner and punching them...... I cried when I got to my folks house, i hated my reaction to her and I hated that I let Archie down and didn't read the signs.....
So, today my wonderful pal Susan bundled us all in her car and drove us to Bee craigs country park - one word awesome.
The kids loved it, I loved it - fresh air, woods, water an amazing playground, picnics good chat and crochet in the car, BLISS.
Thanks Susan, your a star - xxx
Archie and I had a fascinating chat this am about where Alfie's skin was. He has obviously been thinking about it and made the connection that if he is dead an no longer here then his body must be somewhere. I explained to him about Alfie being buried, I take him to the grave regularly to leave flowers and tidy up but I have never explained in detail about Alfie's body......to be truthful it is something I struggled with initially. I can handle the dry bones idea - which is what I told Archie, however I do struggle with the decomp stage. For a long time I couldn't settle when there knowing he was underneath me......as I say the bones don't freak me out, so I am much easier with it now.
Archie seemed to be ok with our chat, poor guy I wonder how much time he spends dwelling on it and whether he is bothered by it or not, he seems pretty matter of fact about it all - wish I could say the same.
After Sunday's emotional eve and another hellish bedtime drama, both Archie and I were shattered and tense on monday morning - Yikes, not a good combo.
We went as has been our holiday routine to just kiddin - an ideal place for the kids to run around and for me to try and grab a cuppa and a blether with pals. Oh no, not today. Archie was nip nip nippy from getting up and by the time we reached JK he was high hyper hypedog! I caught him pushing a wee girl over on the bouncy castle, he got a row and was told to apologise - at which point some otehr mother said he'd been hitting two other kids. Phew, I should have read the signs and left- but no, overtired and tense I gave him a wee cuddle talked about behaving well and then stupidly encouraged him to go chase Oliver on the play structure, he went belting off and pushed his way past all the other kids, I could see he was grabbing Sadie to get her out the way and was enroute to try and diffuse sitch, when some woman shouted to one of the employees - "sort it out, that he's bullying all the other" bairns! Oh Oh Lady, you picked the wrong mum on the wrong day - It's his sister I'll deal with it......I then took Archie away - well grabbed him by arm and frogmarched him past all other tables of glaring mums (that is the response they wanted isn't it? I really wanted to hug him and say what's up wee man, how come your being so mean - its no like you), I shouted at the woman 'I think bullying is taking it a bit far' so not like me to be confrontational, but hackles up and hating anyone saying that about my boy I couldn't stop myself. I am the first to admit he is a wee nutter, he gets hugely overexcited and when tired can be nothing short of annoying, however Bullying at 3yrs old come one, he was pushing other kids not holding them up in a corner and punching them...... I cried when I got to my folks house, i hated my reaction to her and I hated that I let Archie down and didn't read the signs.....
So, today my wonderful pal Susan bundled us all in her car and drove us to Bee craigs country park - one word awesome.
The kids loved it, I loved it - fresh air, woods, water an amazing playground, picnics good chat and crochet in the car, BLISS.
Thanks Susan, your a star - xxx
Archie and I had a fascinating chat this am about where Alfie's skin was. He has obviously been thinking about it and made the connection that if he is dead an no longer here then his body must be somewhere. I explained to him about Alfie being buried, I take him to the grave regularly to leave flowers and tidy up but I have never explained in detail about Alfie's body......to be truthful it is something I struggled with initially. I can handle the dry bones idea - which is what I told Archie, however I do struggle with the decomp stage. For a long time I couldn't settle when there knowing he was underneath me......as I say the bones don't freak me out, so I am much easier with it now.
Archie seemed to be ok with our chat, poor guy I wonder how much time he spends dwelling on it and whether he is bothered by it or not, he seems pretty matter of fact about it all - wish I could say the same.
Sunday, 5 August 2012
227 + 228 stormy sunday
Yikes the rain today has been crazy, stormy apocalyptic at one point. We were driving and Archie started chatting about badgers coming out.......realised it was because he thought it was night time, it was actually about the midday!
We had planned to go pick berries at Craigies after a wee trip to the carbootie, rain put paid to those plans, so we went to Ikea. We did manage a wee quick nip round the carboot first. Happy days, Archie got a wee polly pocket Thomas the tank equivalent, Sadie got an awesome senorita dressing up outfit with matching red and black polkadot shoes and I got 3 wee 60's storage tins and an amazing 50's 'arab' doll...with burka!
My dad has made a huge move forward, well I think so anyways - he went to the bank yesterday, yes it is still a regular occurrence, so much so the woman in the bank are now very much aware of the situation. Back to the point, Dad was asking the woman for something and she said sorry not sure what you mean Mr Strachan can you write it down and he did! He wrote £60 debit on a bit paper and handed it to her. Phew, the 1st time since his stroke he has tried to communicate in writing - if we can get him to use this tool more often life would be so much easier for both him and mum. Most of the issues are due to him becoming irritated about not doing what he wants and poor mum getting upset trying to work out what he wants. I saw her in action again on fri and once again I am in awe of her love and commitment to my dad. Such an inspiration.....must remember that when I'm bitching at Pugs for no cleaning up the hoose!
Emotional storms tonight also, the kids and I had an unsettled bedtime. Every now and then Archie mentions Alfie and we have a wee chat. Tonight he was asking the usual questions - why did he die, did he get any food, will he come back, can I be his new brother etc...I thought I might let the pair of them see inside his memory box. The box sits next to my bed, not I may add for any sentimental reason, simply because I have never found a suitable place for it! I'm sure a psychoanalyst would have a bloody field day wi that reasoning, however it did have a place before we moved the room about and since then I've never found a new one. I showed the kids his hand and foot prints and his wee but hair, I was hoping ti might make them understand a bit better, they also saw a photo of us with Alfie for the 1st time...how weird, Archie said why are you not normal mummy, I was all freaked out and said what do you mean love, thinking he was worried about how sad I looked - nope, he was just confused as to why I had long hair. Not sure if my intentions were a success or not, I'm sure that only time will tell. I feel so ambivalent about the whole issue, how to keep a dead brothers memory alive with kids who've never met him isn't easy - how to make it normal and not freak them out? Another mum balancing act I have yet to achieve!
We had planned to go pick berries at Craigies after a wee trip to the carbootie, rain put paid to those plans, so we went to Ikea. We did manage a wee quick nip round the carboot first. Happy days, Archie got a wee polly pocket Thomas the tank equivalent, Sadie got an awesome senorita dressing up outfit with matching red and black polkadot shoes and I got 3 wee 60's storage tins and an amazing 50's 'arab' doll...with burka!
My dad has made a huge move forward, well I think so anyways - he went to the bank yesterday, yes it is still a regular occurrence, so much so the woman in the bank are now very much aware of the situation. Back to the point, Dad was asking the woman for something and she said sorry not sure what you mean Mr Strachan can you write it down and he did! He wrote £60 debit on a bit paper and handed it to her. Phew, the 1st time since his stroke he has tried to communicate in writing - if we can get him to use this tool more often life would be so much easier for both him and mum. Most of the issues are due to him becoming irritated about not doing what he wants and poor mum getting upset trying to work out what he wants. I saw her in action again on fri and once again I am in awe of her love and commitment to my dad. Such an inspiration.....must remember that when I'm bitching at Pugs for no cleaning up the hoose!
Emotional storms tonight also, the kids and I had an unsettled bedtime. Every now and then Archie mentions Alfie and we have a wee chat. Tonight he was asking the usual questions - why did he die, did he get any food, will he come back, can I be his new brother etc...I thought I might let the pair of them see inside his memory box. The box sits next to my bed, not I may add for any sentimental reason, simply because I have never found a suitable place for it! I'm sure a psychoanalyst would have a bloody field day wi that reasoning, however it did have a place before we moved the room about and since then I've never found a new one. I showed the kids his hand and foot prints and his wee but hair, I was hoping ti might make them understand a bit better, they also saw a photo of us with Alfie for the 1st time...how weird, Archie said why are you not normal mummy, I was all freaked out and said what do you mean love, thinking he was worried about how sad I looked - nope, he was just confused as to why I had long hair. Not sure if my intentions were a success or not, I'm sure that only time will tell. I feel so ambivalent about the whole issue, how to keep a dead brothers memory alive with kids who've never met him isn't easy - how to make it normal and not freak them out? Another mum balancing act I have yet to achieve!
Friday, 3 August 2012
222-226 first, lasts - everything inbetween
We have had a lovely week, with many first - the beginning of the lasts of the summer and a few everythings thrown in.
Sadie's been achieving many firsts - she has slept through the night in her own wee toddlers bed, had a number of 'dry' days and has survived her first day at nursery on her own. Quite a momentous week for a wee one.
Nursery is going great, we all really like it and I feel comfortable leaving the kids there. I took mum and dad on monday to visit. Nursery needs to meet any people who will potentially be picking the kids up, this is a big move for us. Not so long ago I was unsure whether mum and dad would ever be involved in the kids care. As I left the wee ones for the first time I felt myself welling up, not because of myself, but because as I turned to leave I realised my dad had gone back inside, he was leading Sadie out by the hand he was confused and didn't understand she was staying. He did get it and let her go back in, on so many levels this made me emotional, primarily because he understood that she didn't ordinarily go to nursery but also because I knew he was the one usually watching her.
On a lighter note we went to visit at our lovely pals house on tuesday. The kids haven't been for ages and were really excited about visiting. Luckily it was a glorious day and most of it was spent in the garden.
As the days move on I am becoming aware of the lasts of the summer, in a weeks time I will be returning to work. On some levels I am looking forward to teaching again, I miss the banter with the kids and the intellectual stimulation of teaching the seniors - I am however, saddened that summer is already gone. I had wanted to do so much, we still haven't had a visit to Cragie's nor Pillars.
This time of year always makes me maudlin - as summer ends, fall begins and I move into Alfie time. This year I am going to give a talk at Sands AGM in Oct on the Tuesday club, it will be good to have a focus for him at this time of year.
Today was dads birthday. I am pretty sure he realised it was his day, Antony had been to visit already so when we also turned up with a cake and a song he seemed to have the routine down. It was a day of mixed emotion, on one level I am totally appreciative that my dad is alive and able to celebrate his birthday, however on another it is gutting that he isn't his usual self. I spent an hour last night traipsing round our limited shopping options starckly aware of our further limitations given my dad can't do any of the things he would normally - no point buying the failsafe novel (can't imagine ever chatting about the booker list again), he has lost his passion for music - what the hell else is left! I just got him some beers and sweeties, at least I know he will get some pleasure from them.
Made two dresses thsi week, ran 15K, baked, finished a pickles vest and made a bigger dent in the epic crocheted blanket.
Sadie's been achieving many firsts - she has slept through the night in her own wee toddlers bed, had a number of 'dry' days and has survived her first day at nursery on her own. Quite a momentous week for a wee one.
Nursery is going great, we all really like it and I feel comfortable leaving the kids there. I took mum and dad on monday to visit. Nursery needs to meet any people who will potentially be picking the kids up, this is a big move for us. Not so long ago I was unsure whether mum and dad would ever be involved in the kids care. As I left the wee ones for the first time I felt myself welling up, not because of myself, but because as I turned to leave I realised my dad had gone back inside, he was leading Sadie out by the hand he was confused and didn't understand she was staying. He did get it and let her go back in, on so many levels this made me emotional, primarily because he understood that she didn't ordinarily go to nursery but also because I knew he was the one usually watching her.
On a lighter note we went to visit at our lovely pals house on tuesday. The kids haven't been for ages and were really excited about visiting. Luckily it was a glorious day and most of it was spent in the garden.
Trampoline and water fights = happy kiddos.
We left with bags of stuff -as usual, I got 3 vintage dressing patterns, Archie a huge bag of clothes but best of all - TONS of Thomas track and buildings.....it has kept him and Pugs occupied ever since.
Madam was so happy from playing she just had to rest
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My fave thing about the day was when I came to get her changed for bed, she had 2 pairs of pants on! you can see a wee sneaky glimpse here of a pair she had 'borrowed' from one of the older kids. |
This time of year always makes me maudlin - as summer ends, fall begins and I move into Alfie time. This year I am going to give a talk at Sands AGM in Oct on the Tuesday club, it will be good to have a focus for him at this time of year.
Today was dads birthday. I am pretty sure he realised it was his day, Antony had been to visit already so when we also turned up with a cake and a song he seemed to have the routine down. It was a day of mixed emotion, on one level I am totally appreciative that my dad is alive and able to celebrate his birthday, however on another it is gutting that he isn't his usual self. I spent an hour last night traipsing round our limited shopping options starckly aware of our further limitations given my dad can't do any of the things he would normally - no point buying the failsafe novel (can't imagine ever chatting about the booker list again), he has lost his passion for music - what the hell else is left! I just got him some beers and sweeties, at least I know he will get some pleasure from them.
Made two dresses thsi week, ran 15K, baked, finished a pickles vest and made a bigger dent in the epic crocheted blanket.
Sunday, 29 July 2012
216-221 raw is the way??? Hmm
Having had such an awesome time away with Antony and Kirsty and eating such lovely 'raw' food I thought I might give it a go. I have been trying to lose weight forever - I have succeeded since Sadie was born, up to a point. I seem to be stuck, I have been running as often as I can and I cut out carbs in my eve meal over a year ago. Pug has been suffering hellish headaches for ages and is working so hard at uni, this coupled with the recent stress we have all been under I figure both Pug and I could do with a wee boost.
It has been a long hard week, I was bloody starving for the first few days. Pug is still miserable. I discovered that A. I need to be super organised and B. I must never miss a meal. Today I made
One of the things I've been missing is crackers. (I solved the latte issue by using Coconut milk). So I made these
The other big news is that I went to see Pugs play in his first Scottish gig - I hear him play on a daily basis.....sometimes too often! Punk Pug is not my fave one or so I thought. When we first met Pugs played acoustic guitar, he was really into flamenco and Django Reinhardt, a far cry from Black Flag!
Anyhoo, I LOVED it, he was awesome - I was buzzing and I loved the music, must have seeped in subliminally over the last few months.
My dad is making slow progress - I can see tiny tiny steps, although it is a case of one day at a time. I had lunch with him last week and I looked over at him adn almost burst into tears - where has my dad gone? I know he is in there but its a long way in and I am exhausted waiting for him, so god knows how my mum is coping.
The kids and I have had a fun week, we swam, walked, ran, made stuff, put up our new world map on the wall and on sat we went to a family fun day to raise money for Sands, run by pals of ours. It was such a lovely day and felt great to be surrounded by so many Sands parents all with babies and kids all in a good place.
My sewing has taken a back seat and I'm missing it, so tonight I cut out a skirt and a dress......so excited to make up and add to my now rapidly growing wardrobe.
Archie said something awesome tonight and I've bloody forgotten what it was, DUH! I must write things asap or my old tired brain forgets - Hmm the whole purpose of this blog.
It has been a long hard week, I was bloody starving for the first few days. Pug is still miserable. I discovered that A. I need to be super organised and B. I must never miss a meal. Today I made
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Raw brownies - awesome so yummy!!! and nae cooking. |
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Happy crackers = Happy Clare |
The other big news is that I went to see Pugs play in his first Scottish gig - I hear him play on a daily basis.....sometimes too often! Punk Pug is not my fave one or so I thought. When we first met Pugs played acoustic guitar, he was really into flamenco and Django Reinhardt, a far cry from Black Flag!
Anyhoo, I LOVED it, he was awesome - I was buzzing and I loved the music, must have seeped in subliminally over the last few months.
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No bad for an old bloke! |
The kids and I have had a fun week, we swam, walked, ran, made stuff, put up our new world map on the wall and on sat we went to a family fun day to raise money for Sands, run by pals of ours. It was such a lovely day and felt great to be surrounded by so many Sands parents all with babies and kids all in a good place.
My sewing has taken a back seat and I'm missing it, so tonight I cut out a skirt and a dress......so excited to make up and add to my now rapidly growing wardrobe.
Archie said something awesome tonight and I've bloody forgotten what it was, DUH! I must write things asap or my old tired brain forgets - Hmm the whole purpose of this blog.
Monday, 23 July 2012
208-215 loch rannoch no more
scones, fires, walks, slugs, birds nests, BBQ, homemade gravadalx, cookies, swimming (Granda's 1st time since stroke), play park, woodpecker, bread, aga, movies, red squirrels, muddy puddles, tunnocks tea cakes on hikes, laughing, messy kids, wine, crochet,toasting marshmallows, midges, feeding birds,smiling wee ones, bedtime stories, playing in the loch, throwing stones................some highlights of our stay! happy days xxx
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