Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss

Sunday, 25 March 2012

85-366 happiness in the sunshine

Eating her picnic at the meadows, see that evil eye - well honed skills come from having a brother who nicks all her stuff

secret garden tactics came in useful today - you should see the state of those troosers!

still happily eating her picnic.

Auntie Momo suggested we got to the meadows today, great call. The kids loved it, so much for them to do, especially as the weather was glorious. Archie even made it into the water, troosers rolled up and in true Scottish male at the glimpse of sun behaviour, his shirt was off (for some reason its ok on wee boys, but come on grown men, is it really necessary to get them out at the first beam of sun?)
Sadie got a wee fright, we don't even know what from and spent the last hour clinging to me, poor love, not that I complained loving her cuddles.
I even managed to fit a wee run in, so lovely to run in sunshine and with no hood up.
Big thanks and hugs to Momo - she is our star x

Finished off the day at Grandmama's and Grandad's for tea and birthday cake - Grandma May was 90 last week, it was lovely to see her looking so beautiful and enjoying the mentalness of 3 wee ones and a tiny babe in arms.....mine Finally!!! Mabel is too beautiful, she fell asleep in my arms - swoon! Antony send us that photo, x

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