Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

186-88 it all starts with picking up a pen.....

Dad picked up his pen and his newspaper and looked at his cryptic crossword - not that he was able to do any clues, but nevertheless the spark has been ignited. Another big step towards finding a way forward that brings satisfaction, happiness, quality of life and some pleasure and joy for all of us.

I have spent a considerable amount of time at mum and dads, mainly as company for mum and the kids are a great distraction for dad. His SOH has not diminished, if anything it has increased ( hmm I wonder if it is compensating, as one senses do when one fails?). Anyways on Sunday during the mad few hrs we had where I was #looking after' the kids, my dad and my gran aged 91 and her younger sister, Archie was playing in a wee cardboard box. He tipped over backwards an fell but was stuck in the box - my dad was beside himself with laughter, so good to hear.

We had another virtual meltdown today trying to locate the remote control for the tv, poor mum was stressing it would be stuck on cbeebies all night - I can understand her stress it isn't easy to tolerate high levels of  mike the knight, kerwhizz, cloud babies etc, moreover the tv is a necessity for dad in the eve as he can't read anymore. No worries after looking everywhere, including, bin, fridge, bathroom cabinets etc - dad had it in his pocket!

All things strawberry has started heating up tonight, I started a garland, pug started the pinata and I did a wee crochet one too.......agh to all the cooking though, yikes better get my self organised.

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