Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss

Monday, 16 January 2012

16-365 My darling man, thanks for all the happy days my love

My lovely man, sad that I struggled to find a photo of him, too busy running after kiddos x
Pugs birthday today, we had a pretty normal working day. At teatime family came over and we had our goldfish cake, not that tasty but the kiddos loved it. Archie only eating the icing in his usual fashion and Sadie eating anything anyone would give her. The pinata was a big hit, although Pug had to tear it open - those things are pretty tough. I guess they are trying to make the kids expend as much energy as possible prior to replacing it with the massive sugar hit. Archie ate so much chocolate Pugs said he was sweating! Peggy had a chocolate induced meltdown when it was time to leave and Sadie had her lovely choco grin.
I mainly wanted to say how happy my Pugs makes me, we have had some seriously rough times together, more than your average couple ever have to go through, yet throughout it all we have been smiling together. Of course we nip each others head over the small mindless shit, but the serious stuff is always solid. No matter the time or circumstance if I am having an Alfie moment he is there, always ready to listen and support me - without him I would be a wreck. I am not usually one for PDA but it is his birthday so he deserves his personal cheerleader spilling it all.

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