Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss

Sunday, 13 May 2012

134 lazy like sunday

We all had a lazy day, except poor Dad who is back to being unsettled, thought we had cracked it but no - he is back to trying to get out. Tonight when Antony left he wanted to go with him - he asked my mum Why? I was with him for a while - we had a wee rota so someone could be with him all day. I had a lovely run in the rain and then a nice hour just dad mum and I. He drank some of my Lemonata and really enjoyed it, although he refused my lovely homemade chilli!
He watched young musician of the year for a half hour tonight, that is great concentration.
So we really need everyone to focus all positive energy on getting him to Cameron tomorrow. There is a bed, however two guys need it - my dad being one of them. How cool would it be if he was there within the next few days.......he so needs the stimulation, today he spent ages folding plastic bags for the ward - just to keep him occupied.

I feel a bit better emotionally, I had a decent sleep and pug stayed home today - we didn't spend much time together as we both did stints at the hospital and both napped. Good to just have some down time.
My mind is spinning with all the sewing projects I am planning, itching to sew.....

A wee treat for those of you who remember the 'annie' dress
Isn't it so much more beautiful modelled by the muse!

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