Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss

Saturday, 12 February 2011

day 12 - busy as bees

MMMMMMMMMMM we made this lovely strawberry custard cake this morning to celebrate valentines, for all my loves.
the chiclets LOVED it!
Sadie had a wee trip to the store wi her dada wearing her 'katia' memory Elf hoodie, woolie pinny, and leopard print leggings - what a combo,my wee babe.
I then had a lovely few hours sewing, I made sadie another 'flossie' pinafore and myself a matching skirt - cheesey yes - a mums prerogative yes....she'll hate me for it in years to come i'm sure. Photo's to follow of us in our matching outfits


  1. OOOh I love that hoody!Looking forward to seeing the matchy matchy outfit.

  2. Cheers jeanette, its adorable. i made on for Archie in different colours, I'll post a pic later. The wool is katia memory from spain, i got it here dragonsdenwools.co.uk

  3. mmmm, could go a very large piece of that cake :) xxx
