Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

day 2 new Flossie pinafore

I love this wee outfit, however pinafore a bit too big, so need to alter next one slightly. We have grans plans for more, one for Violet for her bday, one for Peggy for her bday. Searching for alexander henry fabric and something in Violet!!!


  1. awww so beautiful.Doesn't look too big but probably cos she's sitting down :o) xxx

  2. I love that Flossies pinafore is being made in her name all over the place :)
    What a lovely way to keep her memory alive :) xxx
    Sadie looks fab in it, a violet one for Violet will be fab! When is Violets birthday?? x

  3. She looks gorgeous!I'm so happy to see the pinafore made and worn.
