Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss

Monday, 7 February 2011

day 7, my wee sweetie has her 1st cold, boo

Took a photo today but can't upload it - mini laptop not reading card and too poorly to deal right now. Will update tomorrow, hopefully we will all feel better.......
here she is a day late but, just as sweet.Look at her wee heavy eyes poor baby. This mad fairy top was purchased the 1st day we knew we were having a wee girl. I was still in shock, after 2 boys and Pug has his 2 other boys I was sure our baby would be another boy.....when the sonographer said almost definitely a girl Pug started crying. He then dragged me down town so we could buy girl stuff, he bought this wee top.


  1. aww poor wee thing,are you all not well??Hope you're all better soon,lots of love xxx

  2. We are getting better, don't know who left this message? thanks for asking though LOL x

  3. it was me,dont know what happened with my name ???? love lindsey xxx
