coping with stillbirth, subsequent pregnancies and parenting after a means of survival, my ode to Alfie, my wee man.
Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.
Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
31-365 apple por moi happy happy
Monday, 30 January 2012
30-365 early bed and cups of tea
MMMM a yummy cup of chai tea latte in bed by rock n roll, but trust me after being awake from 2.30am-5.30am with a wee man who wanted to know how the cough got in his throat - tea and an early night is all i can manage. I do Love an early night, it makes me feel virtuous - I imagine that i I'll get up at 5.30am and be all industrious in a calm quiet house, aye right - never happens like that, if I can stay in bed I will.
Work was tough today, trying to string a sentence together a chore, but I had fun making paper cranes to send to Hiroshima with a fellow teacher friend at lunch and a few lovely pupils, only say 766 to go.
Thinking of a friend who has an important scan tomorrow, hoping we find out if she is bringing a boy or girl into the world, how exciting!!! xxxx
Work was tough today, trying to string a sentence together a chore, but I had fun making paper cranes to send to Hiroshima with a fellow teacher friend at lunch and a few lovely pupils, only say 766 to go.
Thinking of a friend who has an important scan tomorrow, hoping we find out if she is bringing a boy or girl into the world, how exciting!!! xxxx
Sunday, 29 January 2012
29-365 Happy green fingers
Horticultural Happiness
Archie and I had an adorable we moment this weekend where I caught him chatting to our orchid, He was holding it in his arms saying 'I'll make you happy, don't worry I know what to do'. He asked me if we could give it some juice to make it feel better and that it was thirsty. So we watered the orchid, he still wasn't happy - I then realised he had expected the stem and flower to be upright, he had thought because it was growing out the way it was unhappy. We had a lovely discussion about different plants and he seemed happy to just have a wee chat to the orchid to make it happy.
That orchid was given to me as a pressie from my cousin Kirsty when Archie was born, it has been great - although it doesn't get the best of care or attention it still powers on. It has been in every room in the house and appears to be quite versatile and not opposed to change or transition (unlike us, I'm hopeless at it - and Archie doesn't even like my new toenails) - I hope to have that Orchid for a long time it appears to want to hang around too. I also hope it brings Archie and I many more wee chats, his questions, interest and general Joie de vivre is a constant reminder of how special and precious our wee family is. Even a simple morning at home can be filled with moments of joy. Another reason to thank my wonderful kiddos for reminding me how awesome life is. After a 'sands' weekend I feel filled with thoughts of my darling Alfie, adn yet I know now I would never change the way things are, I consider my two earthside babies a gift to us from their big brother, without him they wouldn't be here and how could I contemplate a life without them? I must accept that things are as they are meant to be, after 4 years of my new life I can't say it is worse than life before Alfie. I do feel overwhelming sadness when I think of the pain and shock we all suffered, of the guilt I felt when seeing my loved ones pain - it has been worth it! Without Alfie I would be less of a person and I would rather have known him as I did than never experienced him at all. I do think it has brought us closer, made us all stronger and for that I thank him - he has filled my life with many gifts.
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Not to be outdone, my darling Mini Haha, her chat gets better every day too. Look at that sheer delight on her wee face......x |
Saturday, 28 January 2012
28-365 homelovin happiness
We had a productive homely kinda day.
Our list of things achieved........
I painted my toenails - in an attempt to feel pampered LOL, got to lovely pals away to Stobo this weekend so I thought I would attempt some self care - hee haw! Archie says 'people don't like green toes'
Shrek or Chic???
I uprgraded my phone to a new Blackberry - hope it will take better pics than this guff one.
Pug made pancakes
We did our hideous weekly shop, not happy = dragging two wee ones round a supermarket.
Visited Auntie Momo = always a happy event.
I made a dress for Haha
Pug made awesome Pomegrante Margharitas. we got a package today from his lovely Grandma Marion from CA. A fantastic mexican recipe magazine, hence the shopping trip.
I made mango salsa mm mmm
Pug made cheese, Queso con fresco, looking forward to eating the morn on mexican salad.
I finished the eve making Lindsey's Love Bird, hope you like him?
Phew - tomorrow needs to be a lazy day...........crochet, a visit to GG's and a nap is planned
Our list of things achieved........
I painted my toenails - in an attempt to feel pampered LOL, got to lovely pals away to Stobo this weekend so I thought I would attempt some self care - hee haw! Archie says 'people don't like green toes'
Shrek or Chic???
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note please how hard it is to take a photo of ones own feet that doesn't make them reminisent of a trotter. |
Pug made pancakes
We did our hideous weekly shop, not happy = dragging two wee ones round a supermarket.
Visited Auntie Momo = always a happy event.
I made a dress for Haha
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another reverisble pinny, look at those sute wee elephants peeking through |
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I plan on making matching shorts for under in the summer, she looks so cute with her californian genes tan |
I made mango salsa mm mmm
Pug made cheese, Queso con fresco, looking forward to eating the morn on mexican salad.
I finished the eve making Lindsey's Love Bird, hope you like him?
Phew - tomorrow needs to be a lazy day...........crochet, a visit to GG's and a nap is planned
Friday, 27 January 2012
28-365 super power happiness
I love feeding Haha, we are at 19 months and still feeding twice a day - more if she is needing it. She can manage fine if I'm not around however she will have an afternoon feed if we are together. After coming home from a support meeting tonight I heard her crying for me, how beautiful to pick up a teary sleepy eyed wee sweetie and have a cosy feed in bed. She is soothed instantly and so am I. After losing Alfie I was grateful to simply have a live child, of course I wanted to breastfeed but I'd learnt the hard way life doesn't always go to plan, therefore i would be happy to have a live baby and if I could feed it would be a bonus. Luckily my 2 took to it straight away with ease, I read tons of books during Archie's night feeds and Sadie and I slept through most of hers....she was a pro. I do realise however, how blessed we are to be able to have done this together and with such ease, bar one hideous bout of mastitis it has been lovely. I know its not for everyone, however if I am to be honest I do feel a tinge of sadness when I see a new wee one with a bottle - I don't judge as I am aware of the difficulties some mums and babes face, it just looks so alien to me.
The happiness I feel when feeding Haha is something I will remember for the rest of my life. I sat on the floor this afternoon with her latched on, sun pouring through the window on us, a moment of mutual bliss captured in time.
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Hell yeah - I'm gonna celebrate it, making milk is a superpower! |
Thursday, 26 January 2012
26-365 many minor happiness'
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How's that for happiness! |
Busy busy we all were.
Up and out by 10am, walked down town with kids, shopped - kids ate cake. Visited grandmama and granda, walked back up dropped doodle off at nursery, walked to park - walk/ran twice round park whilst pushing sadie with my lovely pal Kisrty and my mum. Walked back home, dropped off shopping, walked to nursery to get doodle, visited with brother, sil and the wonderful Peggy, walked home.........walking played a huge part in our day. Yai, because I've lost 3.3 kilo in 3 weeks.
Happy = walking, visiting, being with pal, spending time with Sadie, chatting with doodle whilst pushing him.
Some photos of our visit - So hard to get them to sit still, so sorry for blur and motion
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That poor Angus dog, |
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Haha found a cupboard full of paint |
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Doodle trying to fly off the kitchen table wearing haha's fairy wings, its ok I caught him this time |
25-365 paydayeve happiness nae relief!
I didn't write about this last night as we had another falling asleep in doodles bed scenario, only this time it was when I came home from knitting. I woke him trying to put him back into his bed, he was 1/2 in 1/2 out when I went to check on him........Anyways point being, woke up at 1.30am and crawled back into own bed - not time to blog.
I was however filled with happiness all day knowing the long hellish 6 week stretch was over, phew survived another one.
I was however filled with happiness all day knowing the long hellish 6 week stretch was over, phew survived another one.
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
24-365 gone are the days kinda happy
I took some photos tonight of Archie in his cute apron I made for him helping me make our dinner - then I thought my happiness maybe too focused on food - hmmmm I am beginning to see a link between food and my weight, LOL clearly not, I made that connection many moons ago. I could blog about food on a daily basis, I am a foodie for sure, ask my mum - everytime anyone goes on holiday I always want to know what and where they've eaten. I love visiting supermarkets and markets abroad buying things to bring home, we also get food packages sent over from America from pugs folks and have peple buy us chipoltes, natures seasonings, A1 and so on - I've bloody done, I've started on the food and tonight was to be all about the shoes!
Hasbeens my new love, there was a time in my life, albeit brief when I could have afforded these, more importantly I would have had somewhere to wear them. Never the less I am I find myself dreaming of what dress I could wear them with on the summer, how awesome they'd be with capri pants (note I say dream, because I clearly can't run around after 2 wee ones in those).......I have trawled ebay to no avail. I will however will not give up the hunt - think I may gor for these instead as a compromise, hey its been ages since I bought shoes - it used to be a monthly occurence!
Hasbeens my new love, there was a time in my life, albeit brief when I could have afforded these, more importantly I would have had somewhere to wear them. Never the less I am I find myself dreaming of what dress I could wear them with on the summer, how awesome they'd be with capri pants (note I say dream, because I clearly can't run around after 2 wee ones in those).......I have trawled ebay to no avail. I will however will not give up the hunt - think I may gor for these instead as a compromise, hey its been ages since I bought shoes - it used to be a monthly occurence!
Monday, 23 January 2012
23-365 tears of happiness
I was planning on writing a post tonight about my amazing friends at Sands as we had a meeting tonight. However, after the meeting blethering in the cold instead of going home....mum said oh when did you lose Alfie's hair (for those of you who don't know I had a beautiful bracelet made when Alfie died, it had a teeny piece of his hair sandwiched between glass in a charm - among others), I told her I lost it on his 4th anniversary just past - She took it out her purse, Sadie had found it on the floor of the church last Sunday. I couldn't believe it, what 8 weeks or more later and she just happened to be crawling around in the same spot I was standing during his mass. Tears of joy and happiness flowed, I thought it was gone forever and had resigned myself to never seeing it again. It was lovely to hold it again. On reflection, I was happy to see it is obviously a sign of how far I've come - I remember sending his hair off to New York for them to make it, crying in the post office terrified it would get lost in the mail, 4 years later i lose it and although I was sad - it was somehow almost fitting that I lost it on his anniversary and was just another part of him slipping its back and safe in a drawer, I may well get it remade for his anniversary this year.
Still can't get over that fact that Sadie found it, weird huh?
Still can't get over that fact that Sadie found it, weird huh?
Sunday, 22 January 2012
22-365 the tata lament and not so happy Archie or mummy
Our day started off wonderfully, Pug was doing a 13hr shift so it was just me and the kiddos. We had a lovely snuggle in bed and then headed down for porridge and lazy morning. I had accelerated happiness due to kids occupying themselves and I cleaned, sad I know but I don't often get a chance.
Sadie had a nap and Archie and I hung out watching Thomas the Tank engine and crocheting, guess who did what?
After lunch we went shopping with Auntie Momo and I got a new dress, still not sure if I'm keeping it.
Then things took a nose dive, I read this article in the car and was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness, meanwhile we began the 'tata lament', poor love, Archie has to get a new dummy aka tata. His one and only that he uses for night time is old, foosty and rather hideous to be frank. I started the lead up to new tata a few days ago, not an option he was prepared to entertain on any level, however on arrival at asda he announces we need to buy a new tata, so it began......much nashing of teeth hair pulling and tears later we left with a new but not in anyway an adequate substitute. All and I mean all the way home and for the next 2 hours he cried - I was uber harsh and told him the old one was in the bin - his reply was 'bin lorries no steal boys tatas'. I thought cold turkey was best option, poor wee soul he was gutted and went on and on about needing his frog tata - I gave him the newer version but it is much smaller, he said I no want a baby frog tata I want a mummy frog tata. I told him he was old enough to look after a wee baby frog tata now....not having it I'm afraid 'i no good at looking after babies'..........................................phew what a night.
He finally opted for nicking his wee sisters, luckily she couldn't care what she has. Lesson to be learnt, always have alternatives.
To end on a happy note as is the point of the blog, after reading the above article I am wholeheartedly overwhelming grateful to listen to my boy lamenting the end of frog tata, better that than the ache of empty arms and a huge hole in my heart.
Sadie had a nap and Archie and I hung out watching Thomas the Tank engine and crocheting, guess who did what?
After lunch we went shopping with Auntie Momo and I got a new dress, still not sure if I'm keeping it.
Then things took a nose dive, I read this article in the car and was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness, meanwhile we began the 'tata lament', poor love, Archie has to get a new dummy aka tata. His one and only that he uses for night time is old, foosty and rather hideous to be frank. I started the lead up to new tata a few days ago, not an option he was prepared to entertain on any level, however on arrival at asda he announces we need to buy a new tata, so it began......much nashing of teeth hair pulling and tears later we left with a new but not in anyway an adequate substitute. All and I mean all the way home and for the next 2 hours he cried - I was uber harsh and told him the old one was in the bin - his reply was 'bin lorries no steal boys tatas'. I thought cold turkey was best option, poor wee soul he was gutted and went on and on about needing his frog tata - I gave him the newer version but it is much smaller, he said I no want a baby frog tata I want a mummy frog tata. I told him he was old enough to look after a wee baby frog tata now....not having it I'm afraid 'i no good at looking after babies'..........................................phew what a night.
He finally opted for nicking his wee sisters, luckily she couldn't care what she has. Lesson to be learnt, always have alternatives.
To end on a happy note as is the point of the blog, after reading the above article I am wholeheartedly overwhelming grateful to listen to my boy lamenting the end of frog tata, better that than the ache of empty arms and a huge hole in my heart.
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dirty happy secret garden face, just to make me smile. |
Saturday, 21 January 2012
21-365 car booty bargains, happy happy
The booty bargains from last week
So all the booty stuff cost £2, plus a got a wee scarf and 3 metres of fabric not pictured, as its for a pressie for someone. Good times.
Oh, I also made this wee love bird tonight......
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On the bottom 2 metres sweet lawn cotton - summery dress for Haha, middle funky old cotton, top cute welsh lady embroidered linen cloth. |
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I love old plastic needles, the fabric was an ebay bargain - a new dress for Haha. |
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cottons |
Oh, I also made this wee love bird tonight......
OOOps 20-365 beginning to become a habit with me
Again....put wee man to sleep and fell asleep, just as well really given Archie and Sadie were both up at 5.30 am.
So, I was planning on Friday's happiness being Pico de gallo or our Williams family version of it.
Other than our banana and porridge every morning (rock n roll, huh) Pico is our most eaten food, by everyone except -Archie, who still can't be persuaded to consume a single vegetable - thank goodness he loves fruit.
At Pugs party last sat night I promised I'd post the recipe for this. My lovely mom in law, Cathrine taught me how to make this years ago, before Pugs and I were a couple and she and I worked together. We have adapted it slightly, but its basically the same thing.
Avocado - that's our addition, although I often make it with cucumber A la Grammy Cathrine.
Coriander - fresh
Lime juice - fresh
Chilli - I often omit if we are eating a really spicy chilli or beans. Soemtimes I add chipolte sauce.
Salt and pepper
So simple, chop everything and mix it together, it tastes best after a wee while soaking up all the flavours and chilled.
We eat this with, beans as already posted, Quesadillas, dolloped on corn chowder, topping black bean and chorizo soup, or on its own with salty corn chips....mmmmmmmmm
So, I was planning on Friday's happiness being Pico de gallo or our Williams family version of it.
Other than our banana and porridge every morning (rock n roll, huh) Pico is our most eaten food, by everyone except -Archie, who still can't be persuaded to consume a single vegetable - thank goodness he loves fruit.
At Pugs party last sat night I promised I'd post the recipe for this. My lovely mom in law, Cathrine taught me how to make this years ago, before Pugs and I were a couple and she and I worked together. We have adapted it slightly, but its basically the same thing.
Avocado - that's our addition, although I often make it with cucumber A la Grammy Cathrine.
Coriander - fresh
Lime juice - fresh
Chilli - I often omit if we are eating a really spicy chilli or beans. Soemtimes I add chipolte sauce.
Salt and pepper
So simple, chop everything and mix it together, it tastes best after a wee while soaking up all the flavours and chilled.
We eat this with, beans as already posted, Quesadillas, dolloped on corn chowder, topping black bean and chorizo soup, or on its own with salty corn chips....mmmmmmmmm
Thursday, 19 January 2012
19-365 another happy first
You've no idea how many photos I had to take just to get one half decent one, at least he agreed to stand still for a few seconds.
His 1st day at the nursery with the roof was ok, neither Archie nor I seemed as excited about it. I think yesterdays Secret Garden 1st was so awesome nothing would have come close today. I also think the wee man was a bit burnt out and would happily have stayed home all day. I am, however happy that I got to take him today.
I also managed a few hours of borgen and crocheting a scarf for myself, I actually started the scarf last night knitted 10inches and thought its too wide so it was ripped out and started again tonight
Ooooops almost forgot the run, Sadie and I made it to the park, I ran a little on the way, stormed round in record time - ran down the hill and then stomped home - all in sleet, rain and wind! better be worth it......
His 1st day at the nursery with the roof was ok, neither Archie nor I seemed as excited about it. I think yesterdays Secret Garden 1st was so awesome nothing would have come close today. I also think the wee man was a bit burnt out and would happily have stayed home all day. I am, however happy that I got to take him today.
I also managed a few hours of borgen and crocheting a scarf for myself, I actually started the scarf last night knitted 10inches and thought its too wide so it was ripped out and started again tonight
Ooooops almost forgot the run, Sadie and I made it to the park, I ran a little on the way, stormed round in record time - ran down the hill and then stomped home - all in sleet, rain and wind! better be worth it......
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
18-365 flowers to bring happiness in the dark winter
The lovely Hazel brought me this to knitting tonight for a loan - it is so cheery and bright, of course I want all of them. My favourite - for now, are the cherries, however there a few more I might tackle. I think they will make lovely brooches, or hair clips, or an embellishment for a mini haha spring hat (actually her current record for keeping a hat on is apprx 10-15 seconds, so a pointless exercise knit).
Lots of reasons to be happy today - well two more to be precise,
Archie survived his first day in the woods - I was so anxious last night I had a really bad sleep. I was concerned about how he would cope away from us for so long, out in the woods. Strange how anxiety manifests itself in weirdness, I was all concerned about him not being able to open his own lunch - weird because he never eats anything anyways! but I also thought OMG what a rubbish mum, I haven't even made sure he can open his lunch. At 7am we were up and I made him show me how he could open all his wee snack boxes, juice bottle and hot choc flask, it made me feel better knowing he could do it and fend for himself, I want him to be independent. I was also worried people wouldn't like him and not treat him in the kind and gentle way I do........I know he can be a handful - but he is a gentle soul, would they recognise that? At 4pm we were waiting in the car for him, no phone call so hoping for the best, YAI!!! he did it, He was a big success and coped very well for a 1st day. He collected sticks 1st thing this morning, so they built him a fire, he played on the swing, sat down for lunch for 25mins and apparently had a lot of fun. Poor lamb was exhausted - no wonder, he never ate much lunch, duh after all my worries. He looked adorable trudging down the hill, his back pack on, filthy face and stinking of a camp fire, when we got home he pulled a pine needle from his hair. Happy happy days, my wee man is an adventurer.
I did my 1st ever work out. I am desperate to get fit this year and as I can't swim due to money and time constraints I thought running or free workouts were the only route. I went to the gym at lunchtime and used a spin bike, did some arm lift thingies with weights and some jumping squats, which were friggin agony - but although the world was spinning and I felt as thought I'd been on some hardcore amphetamine it was awesome! So that is it, I've started now, no more excuses. I'm going for a run/walk actually probably a bit ambitious there, it'll be a walk/run tomorrow, wish me luck XXXX
Lots of reasons to be happy today - well two more to be precise,
Archie survived his first day in the woods - I was so anxious last night I had a really bad sleep. I was concerned about how he would cope away from us for so long, out in the woods. Strange how anxiety manifests itself in weirdness, I was all concerned about him not being able to open his own lunch - weird because he never eats anything anyways! but I also thought OMG what a rubbish mum, I haven't even made sure he can open his lunch. At 7am we were up and I made him show me how he could open all his wee snack boxes, juice bottle and hot choc flask, it made me feel better knowing he could do it and fend for himself, I want him to be independent. I was also worried people wouldn't like him and not treat him in the kind and gentle way I do........I know he can be a handful - but he is a gentle soul, would they recognise that? At 4pm we were waiting in the car for him, no phone call so hoping for the best, YAI!!! he did it, He was a big success and coped very well for a 1st day. He collected sticks 1st thing this morning, so they built him a fire, he played on the swing, sat down for lunch for 25mins and apparently had a lot of fun. Poor lamb was exhausted - no wonder, he never ate much lunch, duh after all my worries. He looked adorable trudging down the hill, his back pack on, filthy face and stinking of a camp fire, when we got home he pulled a pine needle from his hair. Happy happy days, my wee man is an adventurer.
I did my 1st ever work out. I am desperate to get fit this year and as I can't swim due to money and time constraints I thought running or free workouts were the only route. I went to the gym at lunchtime and used a spin bike, did some arm lift thingies with weights and some jumping squats, which were friggin agony - but although the world was spinning and I felt as thought I'd been on some hardcore amphetamine it was awesome! So that is it, I've started now, no more excuses. I'm going for a run/walk actually probably a bit ambitious there, it'll be a walk/run tomorrow, wish me luck XXXX
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
17-365 GG what an inspiration - can't fail to be happy when she laughs
Archie and Sadie's Lovely great granny aka GG. |
GG is awesome, I could write pages of all the adventures she has had, but I'll stick to my most memorable, her trip to San Francisco. I think she was 80 when she came to visit me there, we had a blast, trailing all over SF and the east bay, and then finally a trip down to San Diego and Tijuana. How amazing to be so open minded, young at heart and up for a laugh at that age. Every time I visit with her I leave hoping that I will be like she is when I'm older......... Love you Nana, thanks for everything.
Monday, 16 January 2012
Alfie wobbles
I am never sure whether I am overly sensitive regarding babyloss, which to be honest would be fair enough given our situation. However, I do try in the public arena to play it low key and refrain from harping on and relating everything back to Alfie. To be honest I feel the need to do this less and less as time goes on, possibly because time does fade the acuteness of the pain and also because I am aware that the people who really matter will never forget him.
I did however last night post on FB about a a tv show, I rarely do this type of thing but I was so pissed off by the way babyloss was portrayed, I know it is based on an actual MW's memoir and is acccurate representation (as accurate as BBC sunday softie drama can be) but its underlying message seemed really harsh, moralastic and judgemental to me.
I worry I read too much into things and then get all stroppy - it is hard not to though. I wasn't upset by it, more offended of the implication that love is all that is required to sustain a babies life. I can only imagine how hellish it would have made me feel 4 years ago, and my heart went out to mums and dads who have recently lost.
I know it is only shitty chewing gum for the brain sunday telly, but somewhere I feel auntie beeb has a responsibilty to stop perpetrating the myth that 'bad' people lose babies and good health loving people don't!
I did however last night post on FB about a a tv show, I rarely do this type of thing but I was so pissed off by the way babyloss was portrayed, I know it is based on an actual MW's memoir and is acccurate representation (as accurate as BBC sunday softie drama can be) but its underlying message seemed really harsh, moralastic and judgemental to me.
I worry I read too much into things and then get all stroppy - it is hard not to though. I wasn't upset by it, more offended of the implication that love is all that is required to sustain a babies life. I can only imagine how hellish it would have made me feel 4 years ago, and my heart went out to mums and dads who have recently lost.
I know it is only shitty chewing gum for the brain sunday telly, but somewhere I feel auntie beeb has a responsibilty to stop perpetrating the myth that 'bad' people lose babies and good health loving people don't!
16-365 My darling man, thanks for all the happy days my love
My lovely man, sad that I struggled to find a photo of him, too busy running after kiddos x |
I mainly wanted to say how happy my Pugs makes me, we have had some seriously rough times together, more than your average couple ever have to go through, yet throughout it all we have been smiling together. Of course we nip each others head over the small mindless shit, but the serious stuff is always solid. No matter the time or circumstance if I am having an Alfie moment he is there, always ready to listen and support me - without him I would be a wreck. I am not usually one for PDA but it is his birthday so he deserves his personal cheerleader spilling it all.
Sunday, 15 January 2012
15-365 - happy couldn't have wished for better day
Sunday sunday, long lie, bagels and coffee in bed - conversation!
Rummage round a carbooty - photos of purchases later.
Breakfast at indigo yard with the beautiful Harris' lovely mum and dad. Good food, chat, coffee - what a luxury
Fabric shopping.
HOME!!! yai for my beautiful babies, so lovely to see them 24hrs sans kids is great, but so good to be back home.
I asked Archie last week what kind of cake daddy would like for his birthday, of course he said mmm maybe a train one. After explaining its dads cake so should be what he likes I suggested maybe a gutiar cake but Archie insisted on a fish, so a fish is what we made. Photo not great, doesn't really capture the real Pepperidge farm Orange, once it dries tomorrow the kids are going to sprinkle liberally with edible glitter then it will be awesome.
Rummage round a carbooty - photos of purchases later.
Breakfast at indigo yard with the beautiful Harris' lovely mum and dad. Good food, chat, coffee - what a luxury
Fabric shopping.
HOME!!! yai for my beautiful babies, so lovely to see them 24hrs sans kids is great, but so good to be back home.
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Pug's bday cake our homage to pepperidge farm Goldfish, my kids and Pugs fave snack. |
I asked Archie last week what kind of cake daddy would like for his birthday, of course he said mmm maybe a train one. After explaining its dads cake so should be what he likes I suggested maybe a gutiar cake but Archie insisted on a fish, so a fish is what we made. Photo not great, doesn't really capture the real Pepperidge farm Orange, once it dries tomorrow the kids are going to sprinkle liberally with edible glitter then it will be awesome.
14-365 happiness Harris style x
We had the pleasure of this wee snookies company on sat eve. How cute and adorable is he!!!
Grandmama and Grandpa had the kids for a sleepover on sat night and Pug and I went to our old flat in edinburgh for the night. We had a wee birthday party for Pug, ate mexican - recipe for Pico de Gallo to follow, drank cocktails, chatted, I knitted, was awesome.
Must admit it was odd to take a step back in time to our old haunts, reliving our youth LOL! Must admit it was more sedate than the old days, but just as lovely to share with friends. My closest pal the darling Iny was with us, it would be an Albert eve without him, happy days.
Grandmama and Grandpa had the kids for a sleepover on sat night and Pug and I went to our old flat in edinburgh for the night. We had a wee birthday party for Pug, ate mexican - recipe for Pico de Gallo to follow, drank cocktails, chatted, I knitted, was awesome.
Must admit it was odd to take a step back in time to our old haunts, reliving our youth LOL! Must admit it was more sedate than the old days, but just as lovely to share with friends. My closest pal the darling Iny was with us, it would be an Albert eve without him, happy days.
Friday, 13 January 2012
13-365 hay filled happiness in the woods
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Sadie making hay while the sun shines - duck to water, shame she has to wait 18months before she can go. |
One of the things I love, aside from the kids playing in mud, hay and trees all day - is secret garden time. You just forget all about the rushing around life outside and get into calm play with the kids. It really is a pleasure to see them have such fun without toys or tv, painting with mud and digging holes in haystacks is way more fun.
Next week Archie goes solo for the 1st time, hope he enjoys it even more on his own, I'm excited to hear all about it on the drive home. He might even eat his tea!
12-365 Yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn sleepy happiness
OOOOps, missed last nights post, I was so happy sleeping.
I put Archie to bed, fell asleep beside him, woke at 9.30pm then crawled through to my own bed and fell straight back to sleep. I woke at 6.30am when Haha started shouting Mummy - boobies Mummy.
I am more than happy to have slept for pretty much 11 hours straight mmmmmmm
I put Archie to bed, fell asleep beside him, woke at 9.30pm then crawled through to my own bed and fell straight back to sleep. I woke at 6.30am when Haha started shouting Mummy - boobies Mummy.
I am more than happy to have slept for pretty much 11 hours straight mmmmmmm
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
11-365 packages of happiness
Anyway on to today's parcels
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Beautiful Ingela paper from Lagom designs - I plan to cover Alfie's memory box with it. |
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Michael Millers Rocket Rascals fabric, loved this for ages and never had a project, a friend had a wee boy recently and I think this would suit them. |
Although you know I'm a fan of a list!
From teaching my higher kids today - Buddha had it right - middle way all the way.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
10-365 little happy corners
I have little corners of pleasure in my house, places I really like - where everything just fits right and I love the way it looks, without pre-planning or thought. I got these great vintage postcards from my dad, who got them from his dad (an avid stasher!). I have loads of them, however we chose these 6 for colour and significance. The bottom left is from a visit to croydon when we were really little kids to stay with my folks close friends, the bottom right is Oban where Pug, mum, dad and I had 2 wee holidays, Archie had his 1st swim there and he felt his first snow there. The Carmel one and the one above, which is LA fruit market are representing our CA connection and the final two have great messages on the back.
The hearts - I love, the bottom one was my 40th birthday card from my beautiful neice Peggy age 2 and 3 mos - that girl loves to paint. The one above Archie made for me at Tuesday club, it is made from all the remnants of the kids clothes I've made over the last year. This space is in the corner of our kitchen, it pleases me and makes me smile every day.
The hearts - I love, the bottom one was my 40th birthday card from my beautiful neice Peggy age 2 and 3 mos - that girl loves to paint. The one above Archie made for me at Tuesday club, it is made from all the remnants of the kids clothes I've made over the last year. This space is in the corner of our kitchen, it pleases me and makes me smile every day.
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Added happiness today was the 1st of our knitting club lunchtimes in school, a few lovely girls turned up and 2 members of staff - spreading the yarn love to future generations HAPPY! |
Monday, 9 January 2012
9-365 ole happiness, Pugs beans mmmmmm
After the 1st day back at work after holidays it was lovely to come home to Pug's awesome home cooked mexican beans salsa and rice. It is a weekly staple meal for us, we eat beans and rice and Archie has his in a quesadilla.
Beans Recipe -
Soak a bag of either pintos or black beans over night in a big bowl of water.
Next morning drain, rinse and put in big pan of water.
Add an onion and spices, we use a mexican seasoning mix, chipoltes and natures seasoning.
Bring to boil, then leave to simmer for 3 hrs give or take.
Once soft, fry a few rashers of smoked bacon, streaky is best but any kind is good (sometimes I use chorizo if I have any), once cooked start to add your cooked beans, don't worry about draining them too much a bit of cooking juice helps add flavour and general mushiness...mmmmm Then mash mash mash.
Once sloppy mashed loveliness happens, put in oven dish cover in cheese and bake in oven.
Sounds labour intensive, but totally worth it and it does 3 dinners in various guises.
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Look how much Sadie enjoyed hers........ |
Sunday, 8 January 2012
8-365 happy sunday mornings
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putting giant chalk in Daddy's coffee |
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baking cinnamon rolls nmm nmm |
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Special sunday happiness was getting to make this cute wee frock for Haha, it's been ages since I made her a wee outfit. We had the usual probs getting her to sit still to take photos...... |
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