Our Alfie moto, Don't. cry because its over, smile because it happened.

Our Alfie moto, Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened.Dr Seuss

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

115 - rollercoaster

My Lovely neighbour Susan surprised me this am and took Archie to mum and tots across the road just as Sadie was going down for her nap - 2 hours of Clare time, I would like to say I didn't know what to do with myself or that I cleaned but NO! Straight on the sewing machine to finish my new Violet blouse. It turned out really well although I need to take it in at the waist slightly.

So what started as a great day then went horrifically down hill, I has just dropped Archie off at nursery and was heading  into town with Sadie when my mum called to say the hospital called to say that my Dad was poorly, he had taken a bad turn and was unresponsive. PANIC - we all rushed up there my brothers running, mum Sadie and I abandoned the car outside the hospital. My mum really thought we were losing him. On arrival we rushed to his bed to be told he was going down for a brain scan ASAP, it might be a bleed on the brain, it might be another stroke or it might be as a result of yesterdays activities coupled with an infection in his arm where he had his cannula in. 2 long hours later and Dad still not responding to any of us, he finally started to move his toes a bit, on both feet - I took this as a good sign, as had it been another stroke he would most likely be unable to move his right foot again.
Phew - he opened his eyes for a second, what a relief. He had a brain scan and there is no evidence of a further stroke or bleed - THANK GOODNESS.

By this eve he was responsive again, he laughed out loud when Antony and I were pointing out his manky toenails which I had told him to get sorted before he went to Spain. He smiled a big full smile when he saw a video of the kids - he tried to talk to us about it, no actual word though.

What a day, Kirsty said about the roller coaster of emotions and I thought she was right, it is the most apt word, how exhausting for all of us, however more so for my poor pops, he must be shattered and having an infection is yucky.
My poor wee mum, she was beside herself, I managed to persuade her to get into bed and cuddle him - so glad she did, they looked lovely - he had his good arm around her cosying her in. Beautiful beautiful beautiful love. If Pug and I have half of their love, fun, passion and joy for each other I'll be a happy woman.

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